Meet VariTemp.
The ultimate hot/cold solution.

Say hello to our first drop-in unit that lets you switch the temperature of each well.
Click on the unit to get up close and personal.

Any well.
Any Temp.

Create any combination of hot and cold offerings and then change it up with the flip of a switch. Turning each well from hot to cold, or vice versa, takes 55 minutes or less.

Scaled to fit
right in.

Drop VariTemp into virtually any Atlas Metal custom or modular serving line unit. Choose the configuration that works for you and create countless serving possibilities.

1-4 well models available now!

built with
thought and care.

This unit uses just one compressor and vents hot air on the side, preventing disruption to customers and staff. Its seamless performance is bolstered by pre-installed gaskets and an Atlas-exclusive top frame that keeps all edges below the counter.

Let's Get to it

We’d love to help you figure out how this hot/cold solution can tackle your operational challenges.